Setting Goals

As the saying goes, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Setting goals is a powerful tool because it provides us with the focus we need to achieve the goals and dreams we have for our lives.

Here are a few tips to help you set the kind of goals that will ensure future success.

1.     Figure out who you are first.
This is a key step in making sure that your goals are realistic and in turn can actually be reached. What do you like? Where do you want to be? What is your life like at the moment? If one of your goals is to become a champion snowboarder you currently live next to the ocean, there will need to be a few other goals you have to reach first.

2.     Write your goals down.
Writing your goals down will give it the tangibility necessary for you to achieve them. Visualise yourself completing your goal by using the statement “I will…” instead of “I would like to…” when writing your goals down.

3.     Remind and Review.
Remember that setting goals is a fluid process because both you and your circumstances change. It is always a good idea to regularly remind yourself of your goals, review them and update them as needed. Keep constant visual reminders of your goals around to keep you motivated.

4.     Use specifics.
Being specific with your goals makes achieving them more manageable and focused. Don’t just say “I want to lose weight”, specify an amount! Want to run that marathon? Set yourself a time frame. You can also use specifics to break down one of your larger goals into smaller ones. Achieving these smaller goals will also help you stay motivated as you work your way towards finally accomplishing your big goal.

5.     Prioritize.
       Your goals are competing with one another for your time and attention. That is why it is important to prioritize your goals. Ask yourself what needs to be done first to get where you want to be. Aim to achieve the goals that support each other first. Try and divide your goals into two categories; those which benefit you today and those which will benefit you in the future.  
